"The God Who Sees Me" - Nicole Madia

If you’re anything like me, then you may have said something like this at some point in your life-“…but God, I just don’t understand.” Relatable?

In this life, you may experience seasons of abundance where it seems like life is going great and every prayer is answered. There are also dry seasons where you are trying everything you can to get out of a drought while begging God to take you out shouting, “Where are You?!

Here’s a beautiful truth, my friends, that has always and WILL always stand the test of time: The God we serve and worship NEVER changes and He NEVER leaves us. He is a God who is FAITHFUL.

As a follower of Jesus Christ, we are given promises in God’s precious Word that we can hold onto throughout our life in EVERY season. I personally love His promise in Deuteronomy 31:6:

“Be strong and courageous; don’t be terrified or afraid of them. For the LORD your God is the one who will go with you; he will not leave you or abandon you.”

If you notice, not only does God promise to never leave us nor forsake us, but He also commands us to be strong and courageous. We serve a sovereign and Holy God and we can do nothing apart from Him. It’s when we surrender our plans, worries, thoughts, desires, etc. to Him is where we find true freedom and peace. We can be strong and courageous not by our own efforts, but because He is a God who is all knowing and a God who loves us unconditionally.

I don’t know specifically what you are waiting for in this life. Maybe it’s your dream job, a Godly spouse, children to call your own, a house, financial stability, creative opportunities…the list can go on and on. If anyone can relate to your frustration, it’s me! I’m in a season currently where I’m praying for God to remind me daily that He is enough because HE IS.

Here’s the thing, friends. We often times will find satisfaction and value in the things we desire because our sinful nature believes that when we attain these desires, we will feel worthy and settled. Is it wrong to want good and Godly things? No. BUT, it is when we find fulfillment in these things, is where we have to be very careful. Our hearts can turn anything, even good and Godly things, into idols if we put them above Christ. It’s us wanting control over our lives because we feel like we know what we need better than God does (HA!). When we reflect, we believe that life on this side of Heaven is ALL about us when in actuality, it’s all about Christ, and serving and loving His people.

If you find yourself getting caught up in the “What If’s” of life, then I encourage you to remind yourself of who God is. He is powerful, Holy, just, sovereign, generous, gracious, loving, compassionate, loyal, faithful, the Alpha and Omega… need I go on? If God is all of these things, then why don’t we trust Him more? Why do we exhaust ourselves trying to control every aspect of our lives when we should be trusting in the One who knows all?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”- Jeremiah 29:11

Isn’t that a beautiful promise? Now, this doesn’t mean that once we read that specific Scripture things will automatically go our way. In fact, things may not go perfectly the way we planned. If we truly know God, then we know that He works all things together for our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28). Not some things, ALL things.

If Jesus is at the center of your life, then friend, you have ALL you need and more. In Christ alone, you have purpose, identity, gifts, security, value, love, and so much more. He promises to be with you and He sees every tear and hears every cry. I encourage you to read about Hagar in Genesis 16. Spoiler alert- when she cried out to God, He made it known in His Word that He SAW Hagar. He met her where she was at and He never left her.

“So she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing,” for she said, “Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.”- Genesis 16:13 (ESV)

I too, am trying to learn the art of surrender. You can’t surrender to God unless you trust Him. You can’t trust Him unless you know Him, and you can’t know Him unless you are reading His Word. Jesus is waiting for you. He wants you to come to Him and seek Him with all of your heart. He promises to never leave you hungry or thirsty (John 6:35). When things go your way, praise Him. When things don’t go your way, praise Him.

Rest assured, dear friend. He is:

El Shaddai: The Lord God Almighty

El Olam: The Everlasting God

Jehovah Tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness

Jehovah-Rapha: The Lord that Heals

Jehovah Shammah: The Lord is There

Jehovah Jireh: The Lord Will Provide

Jehovah Shalom: The Lord is Peace

What a precious gift it is to know Jesus!

Kellie Martin