Laura Martin


Laura just so happens to share the same last name as me and although we aren’t technically related, it would be a lie to say she is not family. She’s blessed and entrusted me to be the “God-Mother” of her first born and has literally welcomed me into her family like no other. I am thankful for her God given boldness, ability to speak the truth, eagerness to stand up for what is important, and heart to encourage and support others. I am grateful for the self-sarificial example Laura leads with her life as a wife, mother, at work, in ministry, and as a friend. Over the past five years, whether it was with difficulty or ease, it has been a privilege and encouragement to see Laura seek Christ glorified in her life.

1. Favorite way to spend your free time?

My ultimate favorite way to spend my time is with my family. Second way would be relaxing at a spa with a massage or a long bath after bedtime.

2. What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about being a loving wife and mother, seeing my daughter grow into a young woman the way God created her to be.
I’m also a “crazy oil lady” who loves to make blends to support my family’s overall health.

3. What’s your story/testimony?

I grew up Catholic. I always had a desire to be in church. I wanted to know God. I ended up attending a lot of churches with family or friends just to know more. All the while God had this plan of bringing me to Redeemer Church. My, now, mother in law so graciously purchased tickets for me and my husband (boyfriend at the time) to attend the Generation Conference (now known as Encounter Conference). God met me on the final night of the conference in the most powerful way and from that moment on I have surrendered my all to him. Of course, that walk is not always easy but it’s so worth it.

4. What is one lesson that the Lord has taught you over the years?

The Lord has taught me that obedience to His will will never fail me. His plan is perfectly timed.

5. Favorite worship song that has meaning to you and why?

Current favorite song: "Build my Life" by Housefires, because it was the song I sang during our second miscarriage that reassured me that He is worthy to be praised in the valleys of life. I can also be certain that I will not be shaken as I place my trust in Him.

Overall favorite song: "Better is One Day", because there’s no place I’d rather be than the house of the Lord giving Him all the honor and praise serving His kingdom.

6. What encouragement would you share with someone going through a hard season right now?

Pray. Worship. Read your word. When you are in a hard season of life your mind can get clouded. Let your mind be filled with God’s word and let Him fill all your needs that you ultimately can’t fill anyway.

7. What advice would you share with those who are juggling work, family, and ministry?

Keep going! I remember I was working 50-60 hour work weeks while still being a mom and serving on a Sunday. The best push I ever had from my husband in that season was to just keep going. Some seasons are busier than others. But God remains. Rest comes. But through the more challenging times as you still press into God he will build your endurance to finish the race He set before you.

Kellie Martin