Celebrating 3 Years of the Blog: Counting the Confetti

It’s been THREE whole years since the blog was born! (insert confetti emojis here) I cannot believe it! Looking back I can say time flies and the Lord is so faithful, He has accomplished so much. Even though we currently find ourselves in the midst of a pandemic, I am choosing to count the confetti found in these last three years.

Confetti to count:

  • being able to connect with and serve others through writing

  • seeing God heal my father multiple times

  • a new job that I love

  • seeing three classes of students through the uncommon internship

  • my puppy beagle, river

  • all the celebrations with family, church, and friends (new and old)

There is A LOT more confetti to count in these last three years. And don’t get me wrong, there was a lot of gain but there was also a lot of loss experienced. For that, I am thankful for all the easy and difficult moments as they drew me to Christ. Through these moments, whether I willingly or struggled to draw close to God, He faithfully exercised kind discipline and revealed His wonderful character time and time again— and this is the confetti that I am most grateful to be able to count.

If you took a moment to count the confetti in your life today what would you write down? What are the things you can give God thanks for and celebrate? It might be a list of things like, your health, your family, or a roof over your head and meals on your table. But what truths about God’s character can you give thanks for today? Can you give thanks for the fact that He is a faithful covenant keeping God who will never leave you or forsake you? That His thoughts and ways are far above ours and He still chooses to care and be near to His people? That He is provider? That He is our hope and salvation? That He is in control and will use all things for our good and His glory? That He heals and comforts the brokenhearted? There are so many great things about God that we can remind ourselves, dwell upon and give thanks for.

No matter how long our gratitude list of earthly items are, we are rich in Christ. I have learned that without God I am nothing (Psalm 16:2) and in Him I lack nothing (Psalm 23:1). One of my favorite quotes right now is from Max Lucado’s book Anxious for Nothing, where he reminds us “what you have in Christ is greater than anything you don’t have in life.” As we find all that we need in Christ, let it be our practice to intentionally count the confetti, let’s remind our hearts who God is and give thanks to the One in which every good thing comes from (James 1:17).

Kellie Martin