When You're in a Season of Waiting

It was the morning after a long eventful day of celebrating my best friend’s wedding when I woke up to a phone call that caught me by surprise. My beagle, river (who was staying with a friend overnight); had her first ever seizure. In shock and exhausted from the day before, I threw on some shoes and ran out the door, picked up river and drove straight to the animal hospital. Over the next forty-eight hours, we would sit in two different animal hospital’s waiting rooms a total of three separate times.

Have you ever sat in a waiting room for a super long period of time? People don’t typically describe it as “fun,” am I right? Few of us enjoy being forced to sit still and wait as feelings like boredom, fear, or anxiety can easily creep in. While I was sitting there waiting for river to be seen and to get some answers, I witnessed a range of pet owners wait as well. I saw some distract themselves with the phone in front of them, some cry, some encourage the stranger they just met sitting next to them, some cuss out the receptionist (this really happened), some sleep, some comfort their pet, some refuse to obey the rules, some complain and worry on the phone, some pace around and prod the receptionist to be seen, some even give up and walk out.

When it comes to the seasons in life where we have no choice but to wait, just like the people I met in the waiting rooms; everyone responds differently and very few of us can say that we always wait well. Some of you reading this may currently find yourself in a long season of waiting. Maybe it’s to make it through school, to start that dream career or ministry, to see a loved one get saved or healed, to find a spouse, or have a kid, to buy a house, or for big things to happen within your church, city, country, and world. As Christians, we are all longing for Christ to return and make everything right, and one day He will but as we go through life and are faced with different unique seasons of waiting, how do we wait well and wait in a way that honors God?

recognize how we’ve responded

Waiting can be quite uncomfortable and instead of digging deeper and facing the discomfort; often times we respond poorly. We tend to worry or complain, we can shut down, sleep walk through life or distract ourselves with other pleasures, we get angry when things don’t go our way, we compare other people’s timelines and get impatient, we doubt God’s providential care and don’t trust His process. How many times have you gotten irritable and tried to take control by forcing things to happen in your own strength? Sometimes we might even believe the lie that if we just had what we were waiting on that we would feel a little bit more content, satisfied or complete.

Someone once said something like “if we can trust God for our salvation we can trust that God will take care of us in this life.” When we recognize how we are responding to a season of waiting, our actions can tell us a lot about what we believe and who we trust in. When we see that we’ve responded poorly to the wait like the examples above, let us not feel condemned but repent as needed and see that there is an invitation here to bring what we are facing to God and walk it out with His help.

remind ourselves who god is and rest in him

When we are overwhelmed with the discomfort, the questions, the confusion, and the unknowns that seasons of waiting may bring; we can find in His Word what we do know to be true- God’s character. The God of the Bible is so good and loving that His kindness is what leads people to repentance. He is a God that is holy which means He can’t sin and He won’t ever sin against you. This means He can be trusted. Plus, He knows all things, so we really should trust Him when He says “no” to things out of protection or redirection, He truly has our better good in mind. He actually cares about you so much that He’s willing to take the time to develop and discipline you to look more like Jesus and less like your old self. Even when we are stubborn and foolish, He doesn’t give up and abandon us. As a loving Father, He wants what’s best for you, He wants you to actually be deeply satisfied. And if we haven’t learned it yet, it won’t be in the temporary thing you are waiting for, it only can be found in eternal relationship with Him, the One who created and crafted you for this very purpose.

As we remind ourselves of the reality of who our awesome God is, let’s be eager to turn to and rest in Him, not the circumstances or season we find ourselves in. It’s one thing to know a lot about God but another to actually come to Him and know Him personally in relationship. It can be hard to admit we are weak but as we humble ourselves and depend upon Him we find great reward as we walk out life in relationship with Him. As we are honest with Him in prayer about the discomforts of waiting, He is there and willing to comfort and heal our hearts. As we choose to abide in and rest in Christ, He will help us to walk out the season of waiting before us well.

run after (don’t wait) seeking his kingdom now

Don’t let the waiting on the future distract you from what is in front of you right now. When I don’t want to have much to do with what is right in front of me I am usually not depending on and being satisfied in God. Instead I’m believing the lie that once I receive what I am waiting for that the arrival will satisfy me. Which we all know it will barely scratch the itch and once the shine wears off, we find ourselves back on the hamster wheel longing for something else to satisfy only what Christ can fulfill.

The season you find yourself in is not a waste, be intentional with it. Love the people around you fiercely and be satisfied in Christ. As you continue to trust God and His timing, hold onto the things you are praying for and waiting on with a loose grip. These good things we wait for are only meant to point us to the glory of God, not take His place. Be open and honest about where your heart is in the waiting season you find yourself in with some trusted Godly people in your life who love you and will tell you the truth. Welcome their wisdom and input, ask them to hold you accountable if there are ways you can prepare now while you are also present with what God has before you. There is so much in this season right now that God has for you to accomplish as you deny yourself and are empowered by the Holy Spirit. Let it be our prayer, “Lord, help me to be satisfied in you, show me today how I can live for you, show me how I can steward the gifts, the time, the resources you’ve given me to help the people you’ve put in my life. Help me God, to step out of my comfort and seek your kingdom first, not my own. I trust that as I turn to you I don’t have to worry but will find every need met in your perfect timing. Your ways are far better than mine and I believe that you truly care and have my best in mind. Let your will be done in my life and may you alone receive all the honor and glory. Amen.

Kellie Martin